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Old 02-18-2010, 02:16 AM

105 fucking pages! Bring your shovel.. cus theres probably gold here! The battle for pro and anti battle has turned into a year long war lol
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The "PUA" (pick up artist) approach to picking up women has gained a lot of momentum in recent years. It's a concept that is often mentioned on 2p2 but is rarely discussed in depth, as most of the other forums here are simply not conducive to that sort of thing.

The EDF is the perfect place to talk about this and any other "approaches" to picking up women. Here, the topic can get a full and intelligent debate without devolving into a shouting match. Please keep in mind the EDF rules regarding personal attacks and useless posts.
Old 02-18-2010, 02:18 AM

$11.99 a month to have sex with my girlfriend.
Old 02-18-2010, 09:53 AM

lol. that thread is great...i'm only a couple pages deep but these long drawn out threads are always great for seeing the stupidity in peoples' arguments...
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Ms. Slick said...This is fun for me. I'm not satisfied right now and I won't be until I can get straight up 10's. Supermodels or close, just like the big boy PUAs do. I think with a couple more years of work into it, I'll be able to move up from the 8.5's or 9's. I'm not at the point yet where I can bust into a group of 20 people and do my thing, and typically girls who are 10s/etc are surrounded by huge groups of people. The max # of people in a set that I feel comfortable opening at this point is 5. And it's usually a 3 set on average I'd say...
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Ms. Slick said...I just don't see the real point in continuing this discussion. I will if people want, but you're clearly so uninformed/ignorant about PUA that it just seems like a waste of time. It's not bandaid fixes, it's not building social skills, it is how to pick up women. I had at least average social skills before starting PUA. That's not what PUA teaches you. It builds confidence in some and teaches ALL who invest effort how to relate and interact with women.
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Henry17 said...Some of Ms. Slick's posts are making me think this is almost cult like.
YES, lol!
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Arturius said...I just think that following PUA cult is missing the point. I also find that most PUA 'students' suck so badly at it, its kind of like a losing poker player picking up a few books on tells and thinking thats the be all end all. Its avoiding the fact that you must learn who you are and how to express yourself with the communication tools given to us. You PUA guys aren't fun to hang out with, always talking about girls and all this bull**** identities you create to get laid, whatever happened to just getting a beer and experiencing the company of other people? Whatever happened to just talking to a random girl about a random topic, and when you really want to get laid, just lowering your standards till you find someone? Is it really worth 'selling out' just to try to sleep with hot women that ironically you still don't get to sleep with anyway?
....i'll dig out some more quotes later for all you tl;dr guyz mm k?
Old 02-18-2010, 10:11 AM

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theBruiser500 said...Poker books was an analogy I was thinking of as well but mostly because I disagree with poker books as a way to learn poker so I see it as similar to PUA material. I'm a strong believer that the only poker book someone needs (assuming they know the rules) is an introduction to finite mathematics textbook...
So, you can't learn poker from books, but i really need to study a finite mathematics textbook to get good? lol! This pua douche makes a good argument against books/materials then turns around IN ONE SENTENCE LATER and says something in total contradiction to his first argument.
I personally always liked the finance/markets analogy...go into your local bookstore and look at how many god damn books there are for stocks, bonds, investing, markets....buy & read ALL 1200 of them and see if you are magically made into the next warren buffett or at the least become a good trader....IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY....there are 1200 books on "investing" not because there is much of anything to teach, but simply because THOSE BOOKS SELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The existence of so many books leads one to speculate that there is "a lot of knowledge out there" when in reality there is almost none.
Old 02-18-2010, 10:18 AM

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theBruiser500 said...What PUA is at its best, is something that helps people to get experience. If someone is hopeless and depressed and clueless, what are they going to do? Fight back? Lol, obviously not. They lie down and give up, or take whatever scraps they can get.
If someone is hopeless and depressed they need to see a fucking psychologist/psychiatrist not be lead to believe that "PUA" will solve that...these fucking guys are dangerous faggots.
"Oh, you're depressed and hopeless? Let me show you some of my marketing materials..." Fucking parasitic low-lifes these pua guys are
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theBruiser500 said... most of the stuff is obvious? For everyone, i agree, this is obvious on an intellectual level. However, on an emotional leve how many people actually act in line with principle of being UNREACTIVE to a girl?...
I smell an RSDTARD...UNREACTION, the key to life itself apparently.
Old 02-18-2010, 10:28 AM

always hurts to see the new people get exposed to the community, get caught in the hype, won't listen to reason anymore, and are about to waste the coming years of their lives being clowns, wasting their money, and lowering their chance of succeeding with women to almost zero.
the only exception are those who are in such a horrible mental condition at the moment, that literally ANYTHING is considered an improvement.
i'm happy for those if the community helps them, but the majority aren't like that, and therefore, i am sad to see that more people are about to ruin their lives for the sole sin of believing what they read on the internet.
Old 02-18-2010, 10:34 AM

Originally Posted by MemeticHedgeFund View Post
I smell an RSDTARD...UNREACTION, the key to life itself apparently.
yeah, fucking retards. you should stay unreactive to bullshit and negativity thrown at you, it can be from a girl or from anywhere else. it has nothing to do with girls.
people who are truly unreactive to girls have no way of enjoying the company of a girl.
who knows, maybe this is why rsd fanboys end up worshiping men eventually.
Old 02-18-2010, 11:21 PM

yea, the first like 9 pages were good, but the remaining 97 pages were just a tit-for-tat fucking semantic debate....lol..
last 97...tl;dr
Old 02-18-2010, 11:30 PM

wtf i coudlnt even finish the firsst page
Originally Posted by MemeticHedgeFund View Post
yea, the first like 9 pages were good, but the remaining 97 pages were just a tit-for-tat fucking semantic debate....lol..

last 97...tl;dr
Old 02-19-2010, 12:18 PM

That's because they are chodes. If a cool guy approaches well she is delighted even if she's only girl in a club.
Herein lies the problem, you're already lumped into being one of the chodes before you open your mouth. Oh body language, vibe, incongruency, and a whole bunch of other things one can explain away on a keyboard so that the legitimacy of their worldview isn't challenged.
Here's what's REALLY going on here. Has much as many people will absolutely refuse to believe what i say and look at my post count and assume I must be some KJ or something (like that even makes sense)
Girls don't go out to meet people here. They go out to dress up and feel special and bond with their friends. Often, they're with their entire social circle, people they may have known since high school. This might be the only time in a month they will go out. They are very used to being approached, grabbed, groped, grinded, and every pickup line and opener you can think up, including pua opinion openers. lol
If they're going to fuck a guy, they'll fuck the guy they work with, in class, the guy at the library, or the guy on facebook. The very last guy they will fuck is the guy that ran a perfect routine stack at a the local watering hole, regardless of how much RSD products he has.
I've met up with "teh pua awesomeness" guys that come here with that wicked high energy ADHD goofball stuff and was terrible, personally I started feeling embarrassed. Not for myself but for them, like I was with someone who couldn't tell the difference between positive and negative attention. I've seen alot of guys start out with the "make your own reality" attitude and only to finish a night sitting up by the wall practically depressed.
This is a quieter area. You need much laid back, natural, and cool lifestyle game to really do well. If you're "running the room" and doing rapid fire 3 second rule approaches, you'll hit all 10 sets in a club in a half hour and just look like the weird dude.
However, we'll go to the city the next week and they'll be right back into that "make you own reality" mode and they'll do great for themself, pretending the previous week never even happened to them. And they would lecture anyone on the legitimacy of their beliefs with the most earnest and sincere form of conviction.
Having social proof isn't a failsafe and it isn't a crutch. It's a method, and one that works. For some reason some people think its "cheating" and go back working on their "skill" at solo sarging. I've literally seen people turn down actual lifestyle enhancement because they wanted to go back to work sarging so that eventually their skills will get better. They've went through some largely depressing periods, and rationalize it all away when they were working towards their end goal. In reality, most of those nights were probably a just a complete waste of time, wrecked their inner game, and did more overall damage to their persona and their game than it did good.
There is some grey area involved. It's great to have social skill wherever you go and whatever environment you find yourself in, but to depend on that and advise on developing that, to the point that you use it almost exclusively, is probably just as irrational as always needing to have girls with you so that you're never spotted alone.
Developing social proof isn't hard either. If i gave two new guys on different missions, one to develop their social proof, and another to develop the art of cold approaching, I would bet the first would have a reliable set of girls to meet up every weekend and the second guy would still not have perfected cold approaching.
Of course, alot of this might be due to the fact that I've witness multiple people spend upwards of 10 grand on PUA products and bootcamps and several years to develop this "skill", and never once looked at their lifestyle game.
These things are unhealthy and practically bipolar, and is the direct result from adopting extreme and inflexible binary thinking. Challenges to those beliefs aren't handled well. I like how the fact that anyone who challenges the dominant paradigm is considered "not going out in the field" or talking out of turn or something. Nah, nobody can close consistently unless they did the exact same thing you did. That's not irrational at all.
/not saying "you" as in actually you, but just the speaking to the collective thinking alot us have, myself included.
